The World of NOVAKOV

NOVAKOV, and P:NG by extension, is my main worldbuilding project. The idea is based on taking your typical fantasy world, but moving it forwards in time till it's in the future. Originally planned to be a cyberpunk-fantasy genre mix, it's now mainly a science-fantasy world; where magic and technology coexist.NOVAKOV is the main city nation that I'm building, and where the story I want to write will take place.While I have finalized the foundation, there's still much work to be done. So hopefully I should update this page with information about the world as soon as I have them ready.

Main Characters
The character info is still WIP


Real Name: UNKNOWN
Race: Human
Class: Pyrotechnic; Gunslinger
Job: Bounty Hunter
Age: 26
Birthplace: Kasward, NOVAKOV
Always trying to squeeze as much money out of her jobs, Tether is the newest member of the group.
- Smokes like a fucking chimney.
- Usually wears anything comfortable; baggy shirts, flimsy outfits; breathable clothes essentially.
- Secretly loves to wear fancy stuff.
- Her apartment is filled with plants, especially bamboo.
- Introverted, but opens up quickly to who she deems trustworthy.
- Has attachment issues.
- Complete bonkhead when it comes to anything romance.


Real Name: Eléa Nulvae
Race: Elf
Class: Blade Dancer
Job: Bounty Hunter; Cook
Age: 28
Birthplace: Tannen Heights, NOVAKOV
Previously worked as a dancer in a club, Peltha now is a bounty hunter who lives for the kill.
- Financially well off. Only does bounty hunting for the thrill.
- Prefers stealth and quick one hit using blades.
- Magic User: Utilizes special rune-engraved daggers that can float around her to target people.
- Enjoys hot baths, drinking fine wine, and being athletic; goes for jogs quite often.
- Cooking is one of her best skills
- Likes Tether romantically, but doesn't act on it as it's better to be platonic friends to her. Although she doesn't mind sneaking a look at Tether's booba here and there.


Real Name: UNKNOWN
Race: Cyberhuman
Class: Swordmaster, Samurai
Job: Bounty Hunter; Bar Owner
Age: 36
Birthplace: Mundio, Federal States of Enera
More machine than human, Enoch is a bartender and owner of Tinderbox. Bounty Hunter for status.
- Complete airhead. Makes stupid remarks all the time, and can't read the room.
- An extremely terrible driver, do not, and I repeat, DO NOT GIVE HIM A CAR!
- His abilities more than make up for his shortcomings, as he is extremely skilled with swords, ungodly so.
- Has detachable arms.
- Usually opts for 4 arms to use 4 swords. "4 is more than 2!" ~ Enoch when asked why.
- Likes to hang out with Tether the most, he sees her as his true friend, and plans to give Tinderbox to her if something were to happen to him.

〚 PATT 〛

Real Name: Lenie Amano (WIP)
Race: Tiefling
Class: Machinist
Job: Bounty Hunter, Vehicle Mechanic
Age: 27
Birthplace: Anelon, The United Republic of Seneka
Evel's sister, Patt is a car freak, and is the sole reason why each member has a damn good vehicle. Some didn't even want cars, but she nearly killed them for not taking her gifts.
- The group's main driver
- Tomboyish, rough, bold, and explosive.
- Extremely talkative, and has such an intimidating aura that even Apollo would turn sub in front of her.

〚 EV 〛

Real Name: Evelyne Amano
Race: Bunnyfolk
Class: Strategist; Enchanter
Job: Bounty Hunter
Age: 27
Birthplace: Anelon, The United Republic of Seneka
Patt's sister, cat enjoyer. Her cat's name is "Hubble."
- The leader of the group. Evel brought most of the members together.
- Finds and brings jobs to the team.
- Evel isn't as able as the others combat wise, but her strategic planning and cobbling up of ideas is razor sharp.
- Extremely skilled intel-collector.
- Calm, collected, and usually is the most sensible in the group.
- Isn't comfortable with Enoch: Unlike Tether, she can't stand his complacency.


Real Name: Simzu Alodar
Race: Elf
Class: Gunslinger, Machinist
Job: Bounty Hunter, Cybernetic Technician
Age: 26
Birthplace & Date: Tannen Heights, NOVAKOV
Worked at Kotek.SHELLS-- a corporate job for most of his young years as a cybernetics engineer, then switched to arms engineering. After he was fired, he looked into bounty hunting to find a group to help him get back at his employer.
- The main muscle of the group.
- Knows everything there is about arms, from guns to rifles to snipers.
- Equally as knowledge with cybernetic.
- Likes Patt, and eventually gets together with her.


Real Name: Matteo Kuumin
Race: Owlfolk
Class: (WIP)
Job: Bounty Hunter, Code Technician
Age: 31
Birthplace & Date: NOVAKOV